Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Today I left work after lunch. Did not feel good all last night and it got worse as he day went on. Headache, muscle aches, fever. I did not get in my speed workout (5 - 1,200 meters). But I feel a lot better now. Hopefully I can do an easy cross training workout tomorrow and my tempo workout on Thursday.

I should have suspected something was up. After my long run on Saturday, my hips ached. I had problems with my hips while training for my first marathon because of improper stretching. I'm more careful about the stretching so was a little suprised about the aches. Now I know the real problem.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

I'm back

Went through a rough period at work. Including several weeks straight in Mississauga. But that is over, officially. And the last I'll mention it on this blog.

But, I've still managed to keep training for Boston. And, yesterday I bought a real road bike.

Friday, November 04, 2005


I'm back! No travel! Ran 4 times this week. Back to 20+ miles per week. And, a couple of runs I ran hard, or pushed the pace. Hopefully its the start to getting back in a routine.

I don't feel very talkative. It's all I can do to post this much. So, I guess I'll save it for another day. It's kind of like running, somedays after a mile or two, it's best to call it a day and wait for another day when you are ready.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Getting Away

Back from the 3 day, 20 year anniversary weekend at Steamboat. We had a great time, and I got away from work.

Ran a couple of mornings. Ran the bike trail along the Yampa River. And, we took our cruising bikes and rode a couple of days too.

I've kind of punted on the training for the Thanksgiving 5k. I'll run it, but it isn't going to be for a record time.

Ran 6 miles this evening. Felt good. Work is still a pain. Hopefully the travelling is over, but never say never.

Friday, October 28, 2005


I'm back home. Headed to Steamboat for a 3 day weekend. It's our 20th anniversary.

Wed participated in a pilates class for the 1st time. It was ok. Not sure I'll do another.

I'm taking running stuff and we are taking our bikes. We'll see how much exercise we get.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Courage, introspection and sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don’t

Today was tempo day. It was supposed to be 20 minutes at tempo. I ran 5 minutes at tempo, 2 ½ slower, 5 at tempo, 2 ½ slower, etc. So, the 20 minutes were really 15 at tempo and 5 a little slower. I guess sometimes you fell like a runner and sometimes you don’t.

I’m struggling to stay mentally tough. My job is tough, and besides the financial part, not very rewarding. The last few years have been a grind. I can fall into self pity. But I don’t want to. I want to be strong.

My wife sent me the following in an email today, I added the quotes:

We often think of courage as a quality required only in times of great danger or stress. But in fact, courage is an everyday virtue, essential to living a life without regrets. Why do we need courage?
1. We need courage to seek the truth even when we know it may be painful.
2. We need courage to change when it’s easier to remain comfortable.
3. We need courage to express our convictions when others challenge us.
4. We need courage to overcome obstacles when progress will come no other way.
5. We need courage to learn and grow, especially when it will display our weakness.
6. We need courage to take the high road when others treat us badly.
7. We need courage to be leaders, when being in front makes us an easy target.
“It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare. It is because we do not dare that they are difficult.” Seneca
“Courage is often nothing more than the power to let go of the familiar.”
John C. Maxwell
“Courage is resistance to fear, the mastery of fear—not the absence of fear.” Mark Twain
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” Martin Luther King, Jr.

What is courage for me? See the truth, move on? To stick it out, overcome obstacles?
And, bottom line, if I have courage in my personal life, can I run the 20 minutes without quitting, or at least compromising with myself?

Monday, October 24, 2005

Dark to Dark

Up this morning, in the dark. 4 miles on the treadmill. Didn't get to sleep until 1:00. Up at 5:25 to get the run in. Here it is 10:30. Why am I not in bed? Up tomorrow at 5:25 again, for a 20 minute tempo run.

I don't think the road agrees with me. And, I have a new theory for the way I felt this weekend. I don't think it was the Mexican food. Saturday night we went to a dinner party. Really it was a gourmet dinner. The entre was Halibut (caught by the host in Alaska) grilled on cedar. I think I'm alergic to cedar. But, it tasted great. And something didn't agree with me.

Oh well, time for bed. One beer in the bar, but the rest of the day was work. So, in other words, back in the dark. I think the sun shines in Mississauga. But, I can't be a direct witness.